• Novin Ofogh, a knowledge-based company, has provided products in the field of solar tracking and light transmission systems. It is known as the first and largest intelligent solar mirror system for lighting dimly lit building units. In addition, various industrial projects have been implemented by the industrial department of this company.
  • The Building and Architecture Department is a multi-purpose complex with different areas of activity in the construction and green space industry. It has been trying to design and implement various types of residential, commercial, industrial, and super-industriaenvironmentall buildings, as well as various types of environment and landscape, with a comprehensive and holistic view based on studies, experiences, and examination of the properties related to each project, using principles, and the employer’s taste. This complex designs concepts using studies and research in a way that, in addition to their beauty and functionality, they meet environmental and social needs.
  • This system uses an advanced mechanical and control system to track sunlight continuously throughout the day. The reflected sunlight is guided to the lower floors of the building through the mirror panels and the patio (light shaft) path. In addition to the residents’ use of natural light and increasing the spirit of the building, it significantly reduces energy consumption.
  • The Commercial Department is responsible for the procurement, sales, and marketing of Novin Ofogh’s products and services. The department works closely with the company’s other departments to ensure that customers receive the best possible products and services at the best possible prices.
  • The Commercial Department offers a wide range of products and services, including:
  • Solar tracking and light transmission systems
  • Construction equipment and machinery
  • Environmental and landscape design services
  • Consulting services

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